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UF0 Abduction                          2-28-09
Bayside Expo Center       

Audience Attendance=225

Announce-Zeke Dimaggio

Rferees-Chuck Morris, Fernando Ortiz and head ref. Rob Teutul

Right off the bat, Men of Business made their presence known. M.O.B. member J.J. Cash announced that they were taking care of business the only way M.O.B. knows how.Suspiciously member of the M.O.B. Big Business was not out in the ring with the rest of his crew . The acting commissioner sent the M.O.B. back to the locker room exclaiming that he has plans for the M.O.B. Then calls for the start of the show.

Opening match pitted two big tag teams The New School Wrecking Crew vs. The Lost Souls. Both teams well over 500 lbs. In the end The Lost Souls hold off a victory to rise in the ranks in UFO.
(Ref. Morris)

Second match has "The Heart Attack" Tommy Mack vs. Mark Griffen. This match had both of these men taking it to the limit. In the last 10 seconds of a 10 min. time limit match Tommy Mack makes Griffen tap, and immediately broke the hold and held Griffen back up to his feet. Then shook his hand, and what could be one of the greatest displays of sportsmanship.
(Ref. Ortiz)

Making his way down to the ring with Genecide was manager A.J. Starr. Who announced he had a new talent he was managing. It brough the crowd to a stun when he announced The Boston Bad Boy Jason Rublke was not only going to be the next U.S. Champ. but was now a member of Super Starr Inc.

Third match M.O.B. member Big Paulie Gilmore vs. "The Dynasty" Beau Douglas This match put two incredible independent wrestlers together, with some high flying, and some sound ground wrestling. This was a match that took it to the limits, but unfortunately the M.O.B. had to make their presence known by helping Gilmore steal a victory. (Ref. Teutul)

Fourth match 4 way dance Genecide with A.J. Starr vs. Dragon vs. The Irish Mad Man Sullfly vs. The Mysterious Epic This 4 way dance was everything it was booked to be. With some crazy high flying and some incredible death defying moves. We found Epic pulling off a victory and making his presence known in UFO. That left Genecide in the ring with his manager A.J. Starr yelling at him, and telling him how much of a worthless wrestler he is. Genecide snaps and brings Starr in the ring over the top rope the hard way, and threatening to take care of A.J. Starr for being a worthless manager. Then Epic came into the ring and attacked Genecide from behind and Starr let everyone know that Genecide was out of Superstar Inc. and Epic was in. (Ref. Morris)

With the jungle music of Nigeria sounding, The Nigerian Nightmares decided to make their presence known. Their manager proclaimed that they were going to be the next UFO tage team champions. Out of no where came a young upstar wrestler named Adrien Bliss, who has a huge grudge against the Nightmares manager, entered the ring to give him a peice of his mind. To only be attacked by the Nightmares, and destroy with what could be one of the most devistating and dangerous finishers in wrestling history the Nigerian Headhunter. "a 450 kb. Nightmare slingshot front flip leg drop over the top rope while partner holds apponant in piggy back position."

fifth match UFO U.S. Championship match
Boston Bad Boy Jason Rumble vs. The U.S. Champ. "Straight Edge" Brian Fury
Rumble and Fury took it to the outer limits, and showed the UFO fans heart soul and guts in this match. When the smoke cleared The Boston Bad Boy Jason Rumble was holding the U.S. title. (Ref. Fernando)


Announcer Zeke Dimaggio brings out Max Bauer for an interview and out comes M.O.B member Big Business to interupt the interview. With some exchange of words acting commissioner Dimaggio decides that Big business and Bauer are going to meet at the end of the night to settle their differences. Because of that the rest of the M.O.B. came out to protest the decission to have Big Business and Max Bauer to wrestler at the end of the show. Commissioner Dimaggio gets fed up with Cash's mouth and the fact that Brian Anthony wasnt there. Cash was going to wrestle The Peurto Rican Bulldog Tony Kahuko. To no avail Jimmy Jact Cash with the help of M.O.B. beat Tony Kahuko and proclaim they want the heacyweight title. (Ref. Teutul)

Seventh match All American A.J. Cruise vs. Joseph Von Schmite For a match putting a 5'6 170 lb. wrestler vs. a 6'3 110 killo wrestler,  this match was high flying and packed with huge moves but in the end Von Schmite proved to be way too much for the All American to handle. Score one for Germany. (Ref. Morris)

eigth match UFO Tag Team Titles The Nigerian Nightmares with Mr. Q vs.
"The Animals" Moondog Maximus and The Predator Dan Bidondi with Gabriel Grange. What can we say about this match except over 1,350 lbs. in the ring. These two mammoth tag teams shown that just because the smallest guy was 287 lbs. and the largest guy was 458 lbs. that gravity was not an issue. The Nightmares pulled off some devastating tag team combination's to Moondog Maximus, but through it all Big Max somehow found the way with courage and probably pure ring savvy to tag his partner in who showed the most super human strength by body slamming both Nightmares one after another. The smaller of the two Nightmare cut Bidondi off, and set him up for the Nigerian Headhunter with Maximus making the save just as the bigger of the two Nightmare was ready for deliver the front flip leg drop. Bidondi took advantage of this and hit him with the corkscrew slam to get the 1,2,3 to become the new UFO Tag Team champions. After the match Ref. Fernando Ortiz had to be rushed to the hospital, because the Nigerian Nightmares manager Mr. Q could not control them after they lost the match to "The Animals." They took out their frustrations on the referee which will cost them a $2,000 fine.

Ninth match Member of the M.O.B. Big Business vs. The Enforcer Max Bauer This was the tail of the two biggest talents in New England independent wrestling. Both men fought hard, but M.O.B. will be M.O.B. What does that mean? That means M.O.B. tried to steal the main event with Mr. man sticking his nose in the match, only to have it backfire on the M.O.B. When Big Business
went for the big boot to the face, and Bauer had enough sence left in him to move causing Business to land stratling the top rope, comming off them and getting schooled boyed up by Bauer for the win. As Bauer celebrated the rest of the M.O.B hit the ring to try to make Max Bauer pay for his victory. Comming out to help Bauer was "The Dynasty" Beau Douglas and the newly crowned UFO Tag Team Champions "The Animals." Words were exchanged from the M.O.B. to the four men standing in the ring and a challenge was made by Max Bauer and the three other wrestlers. Will the M.O.B. except it? We will find out at the next show.

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